Platforms and Operations



DynaTrace, previously known as Compuware APM, is touted as the first self-learning Application Performance Monitoring tool. Through its agent is provides auto-discovered topology visualizations of applications and their components. This sets DynaTrace apart as an application performance tool. However, the one thing to keep in mind is that it takes time to learn. You may have to wait for enough data points to come in before you stop seeing false positives.

  • Languages: .NET, Java
  • SaaS or On-premise
  • Visualizes application topology, deployments and environment changes in real-time.
  • Performance issues in web-scale applications discovered with artificial intelligence.
  • Auto-discovers all application components and dependencies end-to-end.
  • Entire application topology is visualized in an interactive infographic.
  • Dynatrace automatic baselining learns, how your application works.